Sunday, May 26, 2019

Finished tree of despair and some statues.

Finished up the tree with not Conan and also the living statues.  The living statues are magnetized so they can be removed and held in place.  All of these are reaper Bones from the bones 4 kickstarter.  Here are the photos.

 In the woods
In badlands
In ruins
Closeup of the completed not Conan
I should have gone with dark metal with the oxidation but there you go. 

 Hope you like.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Oils pretty much done

Here is the first batch of oils.  Green and tan.

Then a but of Burnt Umber to tone it down.

I will have to wait a few days for the oils to set then I can do a couple of touch ups, seal and base.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Manages to get some photos in good light.

With the clouds I did not think I would be able to get pictures today but I managed.

All ready for some oil paints.
Hope you like .

Some Reaper Bones Projects

I have had this dragon stuck in the garage and finally decided to do it.  The Ma'al Drakar.  Taking my time.  I will do an oil wash on each of the colors to blend in some of the harshness.  

Painted with a mix of GW Privateer and craft paints. 
I also recieved this the other day as part of my bones 4 shipment.
 I ended up replacing the ropes with brass wire.  Drilled into his wrists and the knots on the ropes at the end. 
Then it was based up with sand and some GW skulls.
I have already slapped some paint on it but it is raining and the light is not particularly good so photos later.
Hope you like.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Post Salute projects done

Here are a few things that I have burned through after Saute.
Micro art futuristic containers.  They still need an oil wash but are getting there.
Warbases forklift.  Upgraded with some card and a scratch built pallet.  Left it empty so I can add crate/barrel/pallet stacks.
 Mantic bookcases from their library terrain crate
Still need a drybrush to line them up with my existing bookcases.
 Mantic walls.  Terrain crate again. 
Rendera wattle fences.  Still have thirteen more to do but I was loosing the will to live with these.
 GW Harlequins.  Sorry for the photos on the rest of these. 

 Crooked dice umpah lumpas.  Because I needed them.

 She weighs as much as a duck from Studio Miniatures.
Nekid female Litch from Hasslefree minis. 
One of the wizards from the frostgrave plastics set.

Hope you like.