Friday, July 24, 2020

Santa Edna de los Gatos

Finished a new fountain.  It is Santa Edna de los Gatos.  Reaper miniatures 50235 Edna the crazy cat lady.  All construction is foamex. 

Hope you like.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Barrow Complete

Finished up the vegetation last night,  Wife had a movie on so I was able to knock it out.  Woodland Scenics dark green static grass base with some tufts mixed in.  Then highlighted a bright green and more tufts added in the open areas.
Front door
Again with flash
Some pics with models for scale.

Hope you like.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Barrow 3

Most of the work is done. Here are the step by step for those anyone interested.
Pollyfilla for the top.
Prime and sand.
Red Brown highlight

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Barrow 2

At a stopping point for the night.  Finished interior paint and painted the stone lentil. 
The top is just a sheet of cork board with the bottom painted black.  Here it is in place drying.
Same shot with a flash.
In the morning I will pollyfill the slope up to the top to even it out.  Then it will be texturing the ground and paint. 

Building a Barrow

I have always been fascinated with chambered Long Barrows. Since the first time I heard about them reading Tolkens the Fellowship of the Ring.   Last weekend we visited Waylands Smithy and the Uffington White Horse. 


Since I finished the standing stones I decided to have a go at building a barrow.  The idea here is to build one with a visible non playable interior. 


I started by shaping the chambers in white foam and dressing them in “stones”.  I am not very keen on either type of foam that I am using.  Unfortunately  with the current situation I do not have much of a choice there so you go with what you have. 


Pollyfilla was used to finish the slope and then the interior and exterior stones were primed in black gesso and sand was glued on the floor.  Some details are added and now I am just waiting for the superglue to dry.  The interior will need to be painted prior to finishing construction on the top of the hill.  It will also need to be masked off when I paint it. 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Standing Stones

Foam construction, textured with a rock and a piece of crumpled up tin foil.  Paint was easy.  Prime black, highlight red brown, dark grey and then khaki.  Thinned washes as filters of yellow, orange, red, blue, burnt sienna and black daubed randomly over all of the rocks.  Highlighted again with the khaki to tone down the filters.  Last filter of thinned down green ink for the mossy stone effect.

Detail on the main stone are Copplestone weapons, Zealot statue and pottery and basket from Crooked Dice.

Hope you like

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Finished some more models.

Usually I have to force myself to paint.  Since the lockdown I have made it a point to go to my painting table.  Saying that here are some models that only need vegetation. 
First the finished Statuesque deck department.

A Hersey Stone Golem/earth elemental
Lastly some CP model that I love.   Loads of old school character. 

Hope you like.