Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Finished the bow top.

 Here are the photos before the top.

Now with the top on. 

And the full camp.  Three scratch builds and two Vardos from Sarrisa. 

Hope you like.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Bow top Vardo

 Next up on the project will be a bow top Vardo.  Again built with card and coffee stirrers.  It will need bits added in before paint. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Yellow Vardo finished

 Finished up the roof and groundwork.  I am planning on a bow top next as I still have a bit of holiday work time left. 

I also finished my annual addition to the forest.  The bones tree of despair came with two victims.  Since I had a second I scratchbuilt another.  


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Vardo ready for a roof

 All that is left is the roof and groundwork.  

Hope you like.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Vardo ready to paint

Ready to paint.  Shutters were made of self adhesive metal ducting tape attached to graph paper for easy cutting. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Vardo 2. Now with more interior

 Just tidying up the inside.  Cabinetry is done and all that is left is some minor woodwork and gap filling and the inside will be complete.  Off to the photos. 

Some exterior work too. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

New Vardo for an old project

 As my local group is looking to get into Pulp Alley I can resurrect an old project from the grave.  I had an idea to build a gypsy camp site complete with vardo's and tents.  I built one from scratch Here

Unfortunately I never actual needed one so I moved onto other projects.   With Pulp Alley it will be a fit for some scenarios.  

This one is starting out as card and coffee stirrers.  As you can see the wood work is not completely finished but it is getting there. 

The interior will not be playable but will be detailed.  

This and a small shipment from Bears Head Miniatures should keep me busy over Christmas.