Monday, March 29, 2021

To the bees!

 I have an ongoing medieval civilian project.  These bee keepers and hives fit right in.  They are from Midlam Miniatures.    The sheds came out a bit tall for traditional bee hive covers but when I built the smaller ones they obscured the details so I built them taller to make them a bit more visible. Construction was coffee stirrers and fireplace matches with some smaller matchsticks for the tables inside the sheds.  Bits and pieces from Hirst Arts, Crooked Dice and Zealot.  

My attempt at bees using sand.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Some bits and pieces for a larger project.

 I am working on a larger project but I will be posting some bits and pieces as I go.  First is a resin homage to the D&D Players handbook.  I always loved the original artwork and Otherworld did a great job with both the model and getting the "feel" right.  The only thing I changes was replacing the flames for coals made with kitty litter stabilized with superglue.  


Painted with my treasure hunter for scale. 

I am particularly happy with the coals.  I have never "painted" fire well.

I also picked up two braisers from Midlam miniatures.  I replaced their bubbles with coals made of sand this time. 

Here they are all painted up. 


Hope you like.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Just my Frostgrave starting warband

 The local club that I am in has been bandying about running a Frostgrave campaign.  

Since we are going to run sequential games instead of playing one off's I decided to do a spiffy statsheet with images of each model.  Photographed in sepia for extra spiffyness.

Here are the photos of the individual warband members.  Naming has been a speciality of mine so some of them are not so inventive. 


Tim the Enchanter -  Illusionist. 

The Old Man From Scene 24 - Apprentice. 
Carl the Barbarian - Treasure Hunter
Irritable Tina - Archer
Evil Betty - Archer
Duffy - Thief

Lazy Susan  - Thief

Crooked Bill - Thief
Enrique - Thief

Big Ted - Thief