Sunday, May 21, 2023

A new project with some printed miniatures.

I purchased some files for impaled victims from Printable Scenery.  Before I sent them off and paid to have them printed I wanted to see how they would turn out.  A friend of mine from the club has a resin printer and offered to print two.  The details are great and I was quite happy with them.  I based them up for a test piece with some bamboo skewers and slapped some paint on.  Painted with zenith primed models and multiple washes to build up the skin tones. 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

BSC2023 final

This is my completed enter for BSC 2023.  Competition was tough this year and I did not make it out of the first heat.  Not complaining in the least as all of the entries were outstanding.  The submission was one photo of a particular size.  This was mine. 

Some more photos. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Some in game photos

 We played the "Left Hand and the Right Hand" scenario tonight with some first level wizards.  Loads of fun on a full board.  With the buildings it played havoc with the statue as it ended up targeting models farther away than you would expect.  No real write up just some photos.  

Monday, May 8, 2023

Temple of the laughing god

Finished another building.  Foamex construction, some 3d printed elements, 15mm models from CP Miniatures and some plastic skulls and pushed putty bones for details.  Still needs another dry-brush to even out the surface color and weathering but I needed it done enough as we are playing Frostgrave at the club tomorrow.  

Off to the photos.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Just a specteral wall from Reaper

 Finished this up as it has been sat in the  bin of shame for some years.  Hope you like.