Saturday, September 30, 2023

Playing with UV resin.

 I got a deal on the Amazon for 300 mils of UV resin and decided to see what I could do with it.  

The first thing was to try a clear skull coming out of a pool or gateway.  I used Oyumaru to make a press mold of a GW giant skull, cast it in clear resin.  I textured a ring of foamex as stone and made a backing of crumpled up foil on mount-board. 

Once I assembled it I set the skull in the center and then filled around with more resin.  This was tinted with a GW ink.  

Next I did the same but tinted the resin itself with ink. 

I also used some clear Shrinky-dink plastic to make a small skull drawing.  I then used a 25mm resin mold to cast that into resin to see how transparent it would be.  

As you can see the plastic is still slightly visible.  

Then I did another test.   This time with a larger drawing of a menacing shadow.  

Here it is in the original size.  

It baked down to this

This was mounted on clear plastic and set in a doorway.  I used inks to add tinting to the plastic, set in resin front and back then textured with Modge Podge.  

Sunday, September 24, 2023

BSS 2023 no2


Managed to pretty much finish my fete building for the competition.  

First off is the Tunnel of Goats. 

Next is the Spinning Cat.  I changed the cat out since the last one was too big for me.  

Last is the Freak Pointing.  I still need to find a suitable freak to put in the seat.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Build something small 2023.

 Over on LAF they have started a new build something small competition.  Instead of the epic builds with themes that you get in the normal build something competition this one has no theme and a 6 inch base and an 8 inch cap.  

I decided to kickstart my village fete terrain bu building the Tunnel of Goats.  If you have not seen Father Ted, I suggest you watch.  

My first attempt last night ended up with fingers glued to everything and nothing sticking together.  I tried again this morning and here are the results. 

I also managed to build the spinning cat too.  

Hope you like.

Friday, September 1, 2023

A game of frostgrave

 Just some photos of the Bone Wheel from Thaw of the Litch Lord.  I suck with play by play descriptions so there is not one.   It was a four way game and everyone ended up getting mauled to one extent or another.  Most of us managed to get at least two treasures off.

An armory for Frostgrave

 Burned through some bits to make another building for Frostgrave.  In the real world a room like this would be in a castle or a fortified building.  As this is a fantasy setting I figured I could take some liberties.  It is a simple box with weapon racks made of mount board and stencil paper.  The Null Oil and Athibuab Camoshade are still a bit damp so they are a little glossy at the min.  Just some touch ups and weathering to do.