Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Playing with some interior elements.

 I have finished the basic structure minus the roof, some wood work and gap filling so I decided to see how my interior elements fit to figure out if I need some more clutter.  Not much of an explanation past that. 

Ground Floor

Second floor

Hope you like.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Last of the furnishings

 I think I have enough interior furnishings ready so I think I can get started on construction.  

Firs a large construct on a bench and another bench.  

Next is a bird stand.  

Lastly is some general clutter. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

More furnishings.

 Some more bits finished.  

First a wardrobe.  Was chuffed with the cloaks and the belt as they are cut sheets of aluminum tape on a paper backing that I was able to form.  

I also did an enchanting table.  Had a bit of trouble figuring out how to do it.  I finally decided on the stone tablet, skull and candle combo with the fiery blade.  

Lastly some candles, lanterns, a ladder and some shop signs for the exterior.  

Hope you like.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Quick tutorial on parchments

 Just a tutorial on how to quickly make parchments in 28mm.  You can take or leave steps as suites you. 

Start with some card.  I picked up mine from WH Smiths.  It should be a bit thicker than normal printer paper.  

This is stained and dried using two regular tea bags. This will give a patchy base color.

It is then cut into strips and then small rectangles. 

Card by itself is too thick when looking at it in scale so use some 100 grit sand paper to sand the edges of each sheet down.  The sanded side becomes the back of the parchment. 

If you want distressed parchments then use 60 grit as it will naturally remove bits and make holes. 

When you flip them over they are ready to be worked. 

You can then add a splash of color using colored pencils. 

Then add small lines of text using a mechanical pencil. 

Once that is done then do a thin wash of brown streaked onto the page to simulate wear.  

Then a very thin wash of green to simulate mildew and heavy wear. 

Here are two sheets sat on a sheet of the original card to show the difference. 

Last step is to use a mandrill to round the edges a little bit.  Be sure to ink the reverse side if the edges are going to be visible. 

I have been doing about ten at a time to keep my sanity as my current project needs a fair few. 

Another piece of furniture for my new build.

Made with card and stencil paper.  Pretty chuffed as all tools and details were scratch built.  The only resin used was the small box and the bottle.  Hope you like. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Some new bits.

 Starting new interior bits for another project.  Just the photos without explanation.