Friday, October 21, 2011

A couple of projects.

Just a quick update.

I am working on my Halloween decorations again.  I used a great corpsing tutorial.  Here.
This was the end result.  I actually had a sheriff deputy come over to see what I was doing while it was drying on my front porch. 

I also started on a zombie horde base.   I ordered some 120mm beveled edge bases from Privateer Press and added sidewalk texture and details.

Here are two test shots with the zombies in place.  They are a mix of Reaper, Victory force, and Studio zeds.

All I got right now.
Snitchy sends.


  1. Fantastic looking corpse. I'm not surprised you gained some police attention working on that outside, heh. Of course that means one of your neighbours thought you were sick enough to be messing with a dead body outside.

    Can't wait to see that horde painted up.

    1. Neighbours already thought I was sick.
      Snitchy sends.

  2. Jill Masterson, it IS her, the gold paint DID kill her. It was not an urban myth....right?
