Sunday, March 18, 2012

Metal Ducting Tape

 I decided to play with some metal ducting tape.  First I removed the backing and attached some graph paper to the back of the tape.  Then I cut out some squares.

Then I used a pounce wheel on the paper side to simulate rivets on the metal.

Next I took a plastic skewer to scribe lines on the paper side of two other squares.

 I also tried to use the pounce wheel on the scribed panels.  I figure it will work for a variety of details on buildings and other terrain. 

Hope you like.
Snitchy sends.


  1. Oh, that looks very cool. I got some metal duct tape but it doesn't have backing. I was going to try it for some corrugated fence but it's not working so far.

  2. It needs the extra material to strengthen it up. The tape and paper gives it just enough thickness.
    Snitchy sends.
