Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New horde base in the works.

I am starting up a new horde base and I figured I would give a step by step.  Due to time constraints with work and regular life, these can take a while so I will try to keep up the posts.

I started with a 120mm base from Privateer Press.  Link  I sanded all of the facing studs off because a zombie horde will not have a facing.
Then I puttied the underside because I am going to be pinning each zed onto the base.  I used Magic Sculpt putty since it dries rock hard.  Magic Sculp
 Then I covered the insert area with Magic Sculpt.  I rolled it with a skewer to level it out.  Once this Was done I used a ruler and a sculpting edge to scribe in the sidewalk, and used 60 grit sandpaper to press the cement texture into the putty.  I pinned a couple of details like the corpse onto the base and then glued a couple of spots of sand and grit on.
I will keep you posted and I hope you like.
Snitchy sends.


  1. This is very cool! Thanks for sharing your process. I have been planning to make some horde bases for my Zombies and I'm really interested in how you are doing yours. The cement texture came out very nice and the addition of the extra, cool bits is already adding character. I'm looking forward to more.

  2. Nice tip with the magic sculpt. I haven't tried this yet and wouldn't of thought about it

    1. Nice thing about it is that per. oz. it is cheap.
      Snitchy sends.
