Saturday, June 9, 2012

Street Litter

I am planning on making an urban board that is in the "inner-city" and I figured that I need to make some litter to go in the yards and back alleys of the neighborhood.   First up is a covered truck.  Just a glue soaked paper towel arranged over the truck.

Next up is some covered crates and barrels.  Same thing with the wood glue soaked paper towel for the tarps. 

Some pallet stacks.  These are all made from bass wood and coffee stirrers. 

Lastly are two covered bodies, which do not photograph well, barrel and bucket stacks,  and a stroller partially wrapped in a blanket.  The bodies are two Reaper "non-heroic" dollies posed and covered again with the glue soaked paper towel.  The stroller is soldered together brass wire with putty details and punched plastic wheels.  

 Hope you like. 
Snitchy sends.


  1. I like a lot mate!! Really adds to the feel of the city. Well done!

  2. All that terrain clutter looks really good. Those palettes are fantastic, and the glue soaked papertowel trick is ingenious.

  3. I love the clutter, it looks very effective and I'm with Adam on the palettes, they really do look the biz.

  4. Outstanding scenery. Love the tarps its make the barrels etc looks that little bit more realistic!. Keep up the good work it always good to see what you've made as you are so creative

  5. thirded on the palettes, they look great and you really nailed the color of old wood.

  6. Scenery items like these really can bring a gaming board to life. Outstanding work!

  7. Man, outstanding work. These will really help bring your table to life. I love the stroller, especially.

  8. Fantastic! It is just what I was looking for. Thanks for share it.

  9. Since everyone likes the pallets I will do a quick toot on them this week. They are dead easy.
    Snitchy sends.

  10. Awesome stuff.
    How did you make the bicycle and the pushchair, and the dustbin ?

    1. The bicycle was from black cat bases. The push chair was soldered together with putty added. The dustbin I found in a O scale train street kit.
