Sunday, May 26, 2013

A little something that I have been working on.

At this time almost all of my tools, paints, and supplies have already shipped.  Saying that, I picked up the Galleon to take it with, and could not leave it alone.  I had to purchase paints and tools as I went.  It came out OK.  For the base, I wanted to do something different than the Galleon rolling in from the sea, so mine is hiding in the corn field.  Hope you like.

 Snitchy sends.


  1. Not a warmachine player, but who does not like robots? I even like the cornfield.

  2. Nice job, I don't play it either the sheer variety makes me run off to my cave. Though I do really like the minature ranges.

  3. I primary got into Warmachine to get out of 40K. I like the mechanics, but it is getting a bit crazy with the different types of units. For the base, I found the corn and thought that it was something that you do not see every day.
    Thanks for the compliments all.
    Snitchy sends.
