Thursday, June 13, 2013

Transporting the Galleon

With such a large model, I needed a transport case that would keep it safe, and be relatively handy.   I paid $25.00 at a sports store for a four pistol carrying case from Plano.  If you look around in the winter, you can find them under $20.00 at wallymart (hunting season).  The middle foam is cell cut so you can pull out the pieces you need.  Once that is done, I carefully cut the top and bottom foam to accommodate the base (since I did not want the corn stalks damaged).  Hope you like. 

Snitchy sends.


  1. pistol cases are a nice way to transport minis. I have most my ATZ Survivors and Zombies (excluding the newer ones that are Hero/Horrorclix and WGF Zombei Vixen) in a set of pistol cases. I usually get mine at a local sporting ggods store for about $5-$7 per case depending on the one I buy.

  2. Wow that is a whopper of a figure.

  3. Base on that one is "only" 110mm. Glad there are not too many of them on the table, or I might go bankrupt.
    Snitchy sends.
