Friday, August 29, 2014

Forest test

Just a quick post with some photos.  I have made two forest stands as a test to see how I am going to proceed with my actual tabletop terrain.  I wanted the forest to look like it was not only a stand of trees but difficult terrain too.  The center is removable to leave a template. All four types of represented trees are home made and I added some small home made plants and vegetation too to test how well they could be seen and what the overall presentation would look like.  I know that I need to work on the lower level groundwork to represent the dead stuff.  Please let me know what you think.
Snitchy sends.


  1. They seem very cluttered, but they are a very good representation of what we got around here. Got to fight your way through the forest! :D

    I am very curious about the trees as I'd like to make myself some forest stands too - did you just put clump foliage on sticks for them?

    1. The birch, ash and oak were made using my Birch tutorial.
      Different colors and the oak was textured with latex acrylic caulking.
      The pines were made using this great tutorial.
      Hope that helps.
      Snitchy sends.

    2. Ah, I saw this tutorial on Terra genesis before!

      And it does- thank you very much!

  2. Very nice dude! The ole donut wood nice.

  3. Very cool forest markers/terrain. I really like the look - it looks like a dense forest. May be hard for gaming, but still very cool!

  4. For "impassable" terrain, I think these fit the bill nicely and do what they say on the tin, but I'm not so sure about the use of inserts.

  5. Looks really good. Nice one Snitchy!
