Saturday, October 11, 2014

Finally got a bit done.

My Vardo has been on hold for a couple of weeks due to work on my hobby room.  I finally got a table and storage shelving.  For now the table is an oak tabletop on top of saw horses and I cannot swing a cat in the room but it will work. 
For the Vardo I have added a folding table, stove and some small bits cast in green stuff out of a Hirst arts mold.   I also managed to putty all the gaps so they should not be visible unless you are looking at the top of the walls.  The wagon wheels are from a Instamold press mold of a wagon wheel that I made some time ago.  Onto the pictures.   Sorry about the picture quality but it is night in an old house with crap interior lighting. 

Hope you like.
Snitchy sends.