Friday, June 7, 2019

Bone wheel base construction complete.

Just finished construction on the base. Each of the panels was glued into place.  To do this without adding a thick materiel I cut stencil paper to a slightly smaller diameter that the top.  I superglued the paper to the bottom of the outer ring and let it set.  Once in place I glued the remaining panels down.  Due to the rough edges on the skull plates they would not stand up to be glued.  To work around this I used stencil paper again.  I cut a long strip, glued the individual panels onto it in line then glued the ends together with the excess paper overlapping on the inside.  Nice neat and no measurements for me to mess up.  The ring it created was glued to the underneath the top plate and then putty was applied around the edge to both strengthen and seal up the space.  The bottom was then centered and attached.  Loose sand was used to level and blend the edges.  Just sift fine sand onto the surface at the joint, lightly brush off excess with a paint brush then use very thin superglue to set it in place.

I have also finished the scaffolding.  There were two options.  First was six individual poles to hold the wheels.  It would have been too weak and would have been difficult to protect in transport and play.  Second option was to build a scaffold.  A frame was built and pinned together.  It did not look right when placed on the center disk so I added another disk to step up to the frame.  All of the joints were further streignthened with wrapped wire ropes lashed in place. 
 With the wheels in place it is starting to take shape. 

The individual wheels will be positioned upright.  I have some other details that I will add to flesh out the scaffolding but this is close to finished.

Hope you like.

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