Sunday, June 2, 2019

Frostgrave Bone Wheel.

I am getting together terrain to run a campaign for Frostgrave.  One scenario requires a bone wheel.  It is a circular wheel with bones at each end.  I have seen several others that looked spectacular on the table but I wanted to do something a bit different that could be used for other scenarios. 

I started with a template drafted out on paper.  Basically a series of circles with a central area that was subdivided into six sections where skulls will go and six dividers.  It allowed me to cut the different sections out to use as templates for the more complex parts. 

The bones were from the Green Stuff World  stacked skull plates.  They are resin sheets that can either be broken or cut to shape to use in basing.  The rock base will be made of Fomex.  I picked mine up at work in the form of a broken sign. 

I then cut my templates out and used 3m Spray Mount to attach the templates to the bottom of the skull plates.  Spray mount is usually used to mount photos and paper for framing. 

After a rough cut to separate the parts I then cut to the shape of the template. 

I used the same process for the dividers. 

Using a circular cutter I cut the outer ring and the inner circle. 

After checking the fit I scribed in the basic rock shapes.  Then used a rock to add the texture to all of the rock surfaces. 

This is what I have at the moment. 

Hope you like.

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