Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sci-fy corridor project

I cannot take credit for the design of this complex.  We had a prolific model builder at my former Local Game Store back home who had enough of this modular terrain to cover two Ping-Pong tables.  He built the whole complex in anticipation for the release of Rogue Trader back in 1986.   I only saw the terrain used once but it was magnificent.   Bruce, If you see this thank you for the design and thank you for encouraging me to build terrain way back then. 

Since then I kept the design in mind and waited until I had the time and materials to complete it.  Last month I had a bit of a windfall.  Our office uses 3mm thick foamex signs and we ended up with a stack of them that were no longer usable as the graphics were out of date. 

The first thing that I did was work out the basic design.   To make it easy everything was in increments of three and six inches.  Rooms are 6x6 corridors are 3x6 corners and intersections are 3x3.  All walls are two inches tall and glued directly to the floor.   

To speed up the process I made a simple jig out of foamex that would allow me to cut two and three inch strips out of the sign stock.

All the details on the walls of the corridors were done with resin bits from various manufactures and bits cast from my new Green Stuff World monitors and vents molds.  I kept rooms basic since I have my sci-fy terrain drop ins.  All base painting was done with rattlecans.  Primer grey floors, Rustolium Limestone for the walls and all bits on the walls painted black.  Everything was highlighted and washed with inks.  Quick, cheap and cheerfull. 

After a week I now have enough to build a complex with four rooms.  I am planning on being able to table a complex with at least nine rooms. 

The next step with these is to use black guesso on the outside and edges to cover the logos and unify the surfaces.  At some point I will also have to work out an exterior skin too but I can play a game of 7tv in there as it is.  

Hope you like


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