Sunday, April 26, 2020

Giblet 3


Same with the standing stone.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Giblet 2

Slapped some paint on.  Still have washes, oils and vegetation to go. 

Did some work on a standing stone too.  I built it a year ago and put it on a shelf and promptly forgot it was there. 

A Giblet

Just a quick two day project as I have hit a creative block on my astronomy tower.  I have built a giblet.  To make the cage I made three rings of stencil paper.  Two of them were capped with disks of the same.  The bars were made with straight pins.  I built the cage with a gap so that a doorway could be built.  A door was framed and more pins were used to make the bars.  The whole cage was topped with a ring and a lock was added to the door.  A skeleton was built and dressed in glue soaked toilet paper. 

I envisioned frame with a weighted box to raise and lower the giblet.  The frame was built using foamex cut to shape and textured with a saw. The frame was detailed with stencil paper and bolts were added for detail. 

Just waiting for paint. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Frostgrave warband

I am just getting my warband together for the Frostheim meet in Northampton.
Since we are starting from scratch I will be using either illusionists played by Tim the enchanter and the old man from scene 11. 

Or witches.  A very old freebooter miniatures and a Hasslefree.
Lastly are the troops.  Archers and my treasure hunter are plastic Frostgrave barbarians.
Then the pack of thieves
Plastic Frostgrave troop, then barbarian, Old GW Melnibone, Reaper and a metal Frostgrave. 
Couple of other Monty Python inspired bits.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Astronomy Lab 7

Just a quick post.  I finished detailing the reverse face of the tower.  Just bits and pieces cut and added on.  I tried to make it look like both disks were on rollers and could be rotated.   

When painted it will be heavily verdigris on a coloured background.  

Friday, April 10, 2020

Astronomy Lab 6

Built the walls and did the basic assembly.  There is more buttressing to do on each face and some alignment issues that I have to work out.  But the basic shape minus the roof is done. 

The interior is going to be a open double helix.  The stairs are done so just have to finish each level. 
First Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
More internal details are needed and then I have to figure out the roof.  It will have to have a telescope of some kind but I have not stumbled on a design that I like.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Astronomy lab 5 and a diversion

I have been working on the stairs.  What that means is eight sets of these.
Cut textured and assembled.  After that I took a break so I can refocus when I start back up. 
That means some miniatures.  First off is the Zealot Miniatures villager prison.  This was part of their Minotaur Kickstarter. 

Next is a Zealot Miniatures ghost.

Lastly is a Reaper Miniatures Succubi.  Number 02858