Sunday, April 19, 2020

Frostgrave warband

I am just getting my warband together for the Frostheim meet in Northampton.
Since we are starting from scratch I will be using either illusionists played by Tim the enchanter and the old man from scene 11. 

Or witches.  A very old freebooter miniatures and a Hasslefree.
Lastly are the troops.  Archers and my treasure hunter are plastic Frostgrave barbarians.
Then the pack of thieves
Plastic Frostgrave troop, then barbarian, Old GW Melnibone, Reaper and a metal Frostgrave. 
Couple of other Monty Python inspired bits.

1 comment:

  1. Great looking warband. That Freebooter witch looks great next to the Hasslefree one size wise. May have to reconsider some of their range.
