Sunday, October 11, 2020

Terrain for the Orb scenario in Frostgrave

 Been playing with resin to make an orb for the Frostgrave 2E scenario "The Orb.  The orb its self was a super bouncy ball sprayed flat black with a GW flight stand stuck in it.  It was coated in UV sensitive resin and set for the glossy surface.  For the splash I used a tutorial off You Tube with a twist.  The gist of it is you take a tall thin bottle and place a plastic sandwich bag flat on the top.  Then you tape down the corners and tape down the edges so it looks like an inverted cone with curved ridges.  The twist is that I did not use regular resin but the UV so I did not have to wait for it to set.  

There are several videos but here is one as an example:

This was set in a foamex base, had the ball added and then set in resin tinted black with inks.  Lastly I used UV resin to build up the water on the outside of the splash.  Hope you like. 

I am hosting a game at the club Tuesday so I will get photos of that up once we play.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Very otherworldly and appropriate for Frostgrave.
