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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Build Something Contest


I have started my entry in the Build something contest for 2019 on LAF.  I decided to build a hydroponic grow since I have seen containment chambers but not a growing system. 

I am starting out the with plants.  I will be using blobs of Fantastic Elastic on a clear sheet of plastic as a base.  To cover this I painted a sheet of paper with acrylics.  I was sure to keep the coverage blotchy.  I punched this out with a Green Stuff World punch and arranged the leaves on the blobs.  Once set I should be able to use a hobby knife to separate the Fantastic Elastic base from the plastic so I can place the plants where I want.  
Progress photos. 

I probably have to do the same again to get the number of plants that I need.  The plan is to build trays for the plants to grow in and to arrange those in the growing rig. 

Hope you like

Snitchy sends.

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