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Thursday, March 20, 2025

BSC post 11

 I will be adding a few more small stowage but I have managed to zenith prime so you can see some details. Minus some details, it is ready to be painted. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

BSC 2025 Post 10

 I have not had much time due to real life obligations.  Tonight I had a bit of time to work on my build. 

The back end looked odd hanging out in space without any support and I needed some way for people to access the torso interior.  I decided on building a set of stairs and put a unicycle wheel on a swivel mount behind it. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Picked up some new toys.

 I was perusing Etsy looking at things that have nothing to do with my hobbies, as you do, and found a couple of interesting finds that might work for terrain.  

First are a couple of stamp punches.  They are for metal working and only put me out about seven pounds a piece.  Initially I thought about using them on Foamex. 

Some photos. 

First, I tried it on Foamex.  

As you can see they did not come out so well so I think it will need to be used on either Fimo or some other putty.  

The second thing I picked up is a shot plate.  They are used to make small pieces out of gold/silver for jewelry.  If you are looking to pick one up they will run about twenty pounds for a single item and about ten pounds for each detail past that. 

In this instance I used some green stuff though I could use some lead fishing weights.  Using some vasiline to keep the green stuff from sticking to the mold I just pressed some into the details.  Here are some photos.  


Sunday, March 2, 2025

BSC post 9

 Finished a few more details.  

First is a cage attached to the exterior.  I had some left over photo etched brass fencing from another project to use as the bars.  The bottom comes off so I can paint the crow and can add a few more details.  There is also a plaster cast box fitted to the panel next to it.   

A Hirst arts barrel and another plaster cast box to the other side. 

Some resin and plaster cast sacks to the top of the thorax.

Lastly some photos of the whole thing held together with some blue tack. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

BSC2025 post 8

 Finished detailing the interior of the abdomen and am now able to mount it on the body.  The floor is cut but is is just a piece of card ATM so I did not add put it together in the photos.

Interior photos. 

Photo mounted on the body.  

Saturday, February 22, 2025

BSC2025 Post seven

 Finished up framing on the interior/exterior of the abdomen.  Next steps are.

Build up both the floor and ceiling.

Finish detailing the interior. 

Add exterior elements.

 Photos from front, back and sides.  


Saturday, February 15, 2025

BSC 2025 post 6

 Started working on the abdomen.  I have the basic mountboard framing done and I am starting on the interior.  

Photo with a mini on a 25mm base for scale.

One with the other assemblies 

Interior framing

Interior details WIP. 

 Hope you like.