Here are a few things that I have burned through after Saute.
Micro art futuristic containers. They still need an oil wash but are getting there.
Warbases forklift. Upgraded with some card and a scratch built pallet. Left it empty so I can add crate/barrel/pallet stacks.
Mantic bookcases from their library terrain crate
Still need a drybrush to line them up with my existing bookcases.
Mantic walls. Terrain crate again.
Rendera wattle fences. Still have thirteen more to do but I was loosing the will to live with these.
GW Harlequins. Sorry for the photos on the rest of these.
Crooked dice umpah lumpas. Because I needed them.

She weighs as much as a duck from Studio Miniatures.
Nekid female Litch from Hasslefree minis.
One of the wizards from the frostgrave plastics set.
Hope you like.