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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Picked up some new toys.

 I was perusing Etsy looking at things that have nothing to do with my hobbies, as you do, and found a couple of interesting finds that might work for terrain.  

First are a couple of stamp punches.  They are for metal working and only put me out about seven pounds a piece.  Initially I thought about using them on Foamex. 

Some photos. 

First, I tried it on Foamex.  

As you can see they did not come out so well so I think it will need to be used on either Fimo or some other putty.  

The second thing I picked up is a shot plate.  They are used to make small pieces out of gold/silver for jewelry.  If you are looking to pick one up they will run about twenty pounds for a single item and about ten pounds for each detail past that. 

In this instance I used some green stuff though I could use some lead fishing weights.  Using some vasiline to keep the green stuff from sticking to the mold I just pressed some into the details.  Here are some photos.  



  1. It certianly felt like it when I was pounding on the punches with a hammer. Found out it works great on 1mm styrene sheet. Good clear impressions.
